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Updated: Oct 11, 2021

When I stood on the platform in Brazil and sang, “No Satan you can’t have me no, you can’t have my land.” I was fighting for my family--my sons and daughters. I was taking authority over demonic powers that try to deceive and destroy my children.

I was activating the principle in God’s word to possess or occupy what God has given us. In other words God wants us to fight to enter into it the land He has given us and rule it.

Here is why and how....

“You have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and

they shall reign on the earth.” Rev 5:10


When God promised the land of Canaan (Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Gaza) to the Hebrews, Joshua had to go in and take it. Despite the giants and opposition he had to fight for the land and possess it. Caleb, one of Joshua’s spies, said, "We even saw the Nephilim there—... We seemed like grasshoppers in our own sight,” (Num 32:33 BSB) The giants they saw were the offspring of fallen angels and human women that existed after the flood. (Gen 6:4).

The Canaanites were wicked people influenced by evil and unclean spirits. Their lewd sexual acts, worship of demon idols, and sacrificing children to be burned in fire were part of the popular culture at the time. God wanted them driven from the land. God stated to the Israelites that it is “not because of your righteousness or your integrity that you are going in to take possession of their land; but on account of the wickedness of these nations…” (Deut 9:5)

Inspired by Satan they were convincing the culture to kill their babies in worship to their God. They were Satan worshippers. God wanted them dispossessed and driven out.

God's plan was for Abraham’s descendants to be a blessing to all the world (Gen 12:13). God called them “a kingdom of priests" (worshipers) and this was the land where their royal priesthood would begin. (Ex 19:4-6). As kings and priests they were to possess the land. So are we. “You have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.” (Rev 5:10)

Jesus is a fulfillment of Joshua. Jesus came to drive out evil as well. He said He came to destroy the works of darkness. He had to face the violence of crucifixion. He had to conquer death and hell. Like Joshua He had to fight to gain victory.

What is your promised land? What has God given you to possess? My encouragement to you today is stand against spiritual darkness that wants to assault you and what God has given you. There is more promised land for you. However, evil powers may stand in the way. God wants you to fight and dispossess these powers to gain your promised land.

"It is time" to take the kingdom and possess your land. "No Satan you can’t have me!” Here is the song which you can sing and take authority over your enemies!

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