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In 1 Corinthians 14:15, the apostle Paul writes, "What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also."


When Paul says, "Sing with the spirit," he is referring to a form of worship that is inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit. This means that the words and melody of the song are not just coming from the singer's own thoughts or feelings, but are being led by the Holy Spirit. It's a form of worship that is beyond just using one's natural abilities but is empowered by the Holy Spirit's presence and guidance.


Some may think "sing with the spirit" can also be understood as singing from your spirit - from the heart, with genuine emotion and passion. However, the text doesn’t say sing "with spirit" but rather sing "with THE Spirit." The focus is not on technical perfection, but on expressing one's love and devotion to God. Singing with the spirit means to sing with the impulse or inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to lead in the words and melody of the song.


Singing with the spirit in 1 Corinthians 14 includes singing in a heavenly language or singing in tongues. It is a valid expression of worship that can occur when the Holy Spirit inspires a believer.


Some believe that Paul is not specifically referring to singing in tongues in this passage, but rather to a form of worship that is guided by the Holy Spirit. However,

Paul says "I will sing with understanding meaning in the language I speak and in a language unknown to me."




Singing in the Spirit, or singing can accomplish several things:

1. It can deepen our personal relationship with God: When we allow the Holy Spirit to guide our worship, we are opening ourselves up to a deeper connection with God. This can lead to a greater sense of intimacy with Him.


2. It can edify the church: Singing with the spirit can also benefit the larger body of believers. When we sing with genuine passion and emotion, it can inspire others to worship with greater fervor and can help to create a sense of unity and community within the church.

3. It can bring spiritual renewal: When we allow the Holy Spirit to sing through us in our worship, it can help to break down spiritual barriers and lead to spiritual awakening and revival.


4. It can help to release us from bondage: Singing in the Spirit can be a powerful tool for breaking free from spiritual bondage. As we worship with the Holy Spirit, we can experience greater freedom from sin, fear, and other spiritual strongholds.


Overall, singing in the Spirit can be a powerful tool for personal and corporate worship, spiritual renewal, and freedom from bondage. It is a way of allowing the Holy Spirit to work in and through us as we seek to draw closer to God and grow in our worship




I want to tell you an illustrations that demonstrate what it means to sing with the Spirit.


In the early 1900s, a group of African-American Christians in Azusa Street, Los Angeles, experienced a powerful move of the Holy Spirit that came to be known as the Azusa Street Revival. One of the hallmarks of this revival was the spontaneous singing that would often break out during worship services.


One of the most well-known examples of this happened during a worship service when a woman began singing in tongues. As she continued to sing, others in the congregation began to join in with their own spontaneous songs, until the whole room was filled with a chorus of voices singing in harmony.


The experience was so powerful that it drew people from all over the world to Azusa Street to experience the move of the Holy Spirit for themselves. The spontaneous singing that took place during these worship services came to be known as "the Azusa Street sound," and it is still celebrated today as an example of what it means to sing with the Spirit.


This account illustrates the power of singing with the Spirit to create a sense of unity and community among believers. I encourage you to allow the Holy Spirit to sing through you, it can break down barriers and powerfully bring God's presence.



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