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Writer's pictureLaMar Boschman


It was a drop-the-mic moment for me. I was reading Ephesians chapter three and this jumped out. Did you know God is writing, directing and producing a drama with millions of actors, including you, and angels are watching intently and marveling?

The passage said the wisdom of God will be revealed by the Church to angels. Some commentaries said that angels watch us intently to learn from us. They see us perfectly and know us much better than we know them. Angels are fascinated by the intricacy and complexity of their Creator's abundant wisdom evidenced in God’s people.

"God’s purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.”

Eph 3:10 NLT

Paul pulls back the curtain of the spiritual world and shows us heavenly powers, or angels both faithful and fallen, marvel at what God is doing through us, His Church. God doesn’t “use angels” to reveal this mystery to us. God “uses us” to reveal this mystery to angels. This reminds us we are called to a far higher call and larger purpose than our individual salvation and ministry.

This is fascinating! The Church is the means by which God is unveiling a powerful lesson to the spiritual realm. But we must remember the church is not an organization, or a building, or a worship service. It is body of Christ spread throughout the earth living their lives by the enablement of God’s Spirit and power.

So, the next question is what is that wisdom? What do angels see?

  1. They see God’s image in us and marvel. Despite our failures and weaknesses, they see the nature God has given us.

  2. They also see God at work in us to produce His desired results which are wonderful in themselves but much more powerful knowing we are mortals and born in sin.

  3. Angels watch you live your life knowing you were made lower than the angels and yet you are seated in heavenly places with Christ (Eph 2:6).

One author said of this great drama. "History is the theater, the world is the stage, and the church around the world are the actors" and the audience is the cosmic intelligences, and heavenly princes and potentates. God is writing, directing and producing this drama and angels are watching intently.

This is what is so powerful and relevant to you. Angelic beings are interested and informed by you. Angels, demons, principalities, and powers are watching and God wants to show them His complex wisdom through you.

Several passages refer to angels observing:

  1. For this reason, the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels (1 Corinthians 11:10).

  2. The things which now have been reported to you through those who have preached the gospel … things which angels desire to look into (1 Peter 1:12).

  3. Paul said to Timothy, “I charge you before God and the Lord Jesus Christ and the elect angels that you observe these things …” (1 Timothy 5:21).

Because angels are watching, we should live responsibly and powerfully, walking close to Jesus, in the Spirit, taking our work, witness, and worship seriously. You may think your life is insignificant compared to what God is doing in the earth. The angels who will gather the last harvest of souls (Matt 13:39-43) and will carry you someday to heaven (Luke 16:22) are now looking on, curious how and what God will work through you today.

How will you live differently knowing they are watching you?

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